Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Break Part 3:
Madison is my little artist and can spend hours entertaining herself in her creative world. She loves to do anything artistic and creative. Here is what she spent most of the morning creating. A giraffe eating a leaf! Isn't it great??

While I am already posting her artwork, I might as well post something she made while we were snowed in at Christmas-time. Check out this awesome elephant Madison made out of clay. Jason collects elephants, so this was proudly added to his elephant shrine. I am always so impressed with what she can do! I wish I could say she got her talent from me, but I would be lying.

After hours of playing with clay, we headed outside. While Warwick napped, we played in our own park...our backyard.

Yep, another great outfit put together by Brody. If being a farmer or a race-car driver don't work out for him, he may have a future in fashion!

When Warwick woke up, we decided to go for a walk in Springbrook Park. Lucky for us, this park is 100 meters away from our house. We love this park.

We love the daffodils that are in bloom now.

They spotted a squirrel climbing a tree. Brody decided that this tree would make a good home for a frog. Okay?!

We made a stop at Madison's school to play for awhile. I think this is our spring break to hit as many playgrounds as possible! Who needs Hawaii??

Madison loves the tire swing. She spends her entire recess on the tire swing.

It was time to head home before we got stranded in the woods in the dark. The kids love to hike through the woods. They especially love all the bridges in Springbrook.
I love these 3 kids. It is so fun going on little adventures with them.

They were so excited to find hiking sticks. Jason passed this little obsession onto his kids. He always has to have a hiking they do too!

They added their sticks to this little pile that was filling up a ditch in the pathway.

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